Digital Caricatures

No Paper, No Pens, No Problem!
Artistic Talent Group’s original service Digi-Toons™ is a totally “green” caricature!
Guests are drawn directly on a touch screen and receive a business card with a unique code when the drawing is complete. The card has simple directions on how to download the artwork after the event.
Guests can then print out the drawing at home or use it as their profile picture on Facebook or other social media outlet.
While the artist is working, clients can link the action to large screen monitors as an option for waiting guests. Custom borders and company logos are impressive upgrades to Digi-Toons™.

Digi-Toons™ Upgrades
Make your artwork come to life with our digital timelapse upgrade! Watch the artist’s entire process as your caricature is created.
Cutting-edge 4×6 prints are available at the event as an upgrade option, and the printer setup is very clean and simple!
We also offer custom paper and logo options, as well as a 32″ HD TV display so guests can watch as the artwork comes to life!